Saturday, 12 March 2016

This Month I'm Loving... Safari Chic

Hi everyone!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted this week; I'm really busy at the minute and in around two weeks' time, you'll find out why.

This month, I've been drawn towards khaki and beige tones even more than usual, hence why I've chosen safari chic as my trend of the month. I actually fell in love with it when I was around 17 and on a school trip in Lille, France. We had some free time so  I went to stock up on Mango merch, as you do, and I wore this fawn jacket I got from there to death... Until it broke actually!

What I like most about it is that it allows me to add a bit of colour and print to my wardrobe. You know I like to stick to classic monochrome and neutral shades so this trend allows me to liven things up a bit whilst still fitting right in with my look.

And if you want to do it subtly with the feather earrings above, you can get 20% off with my unique code: astyleisborn20.*

Jacqueline xx

*By using this code, A Style Is Born will receive commission.

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